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April 26, 2014



I'm sure you're happy with the sapphire crystal!


That's pretty sweet, Jeff, although it reminds me more of the Sawtooth than the Sumo, albeit an updated and improved Sawtooth.

If you're going to wait for the SUN019, I'd wait some time as the prices seem to drop by about half after six months or so.

So that means...both.


I'd wait at least 10 months before pulling the trigger. I like it though. I hope it's direct drive kinetic (winding option); otherwise, I'll probably avoid it. Now a solar version would be nice.


The article drew a comparison with the Tuna based on the rotating bezel----I am having trouble seeing that. They look completely different. I guess you could isolate one design component that is similar, but come on----that's a stretch.



Jeff: This reviewer was extremely detailed on a watch he bought---one of my favorite brands, Tauchmeister. Overall, a strong review for their Tuna knock-off. He thought the lume was very good, though not up to Seiko standards----still surprisingly good according to the reviewer. Apparently, he services his own watches, including adjusting movements. I was surprised that he intends to paint the tip of one of the hands----I would think even the fractional weight of a tiny bit of paint might throw something off in the balance but I guess he knows more than I do.


Looks less like a Tachmeister and more like an Orient or a Seiko. Very nice.


I considered that Tauchmeister last year at one point as a surrogate for the Tuna, but didn't go for it - mainly because I prefer the silver bezel.


Jonny: That watch would look better with a silver bezel. Funny you commented on that----I thought of the same thing as I was looking at the photos.


Here's an interesting article on the history of dive watches.



This is worth bumping, given your recent purchase. You said "at least 10 months" and it was five, but it could have been far worse. You have since bought and re-sold the Sumo. Funny how things change so quickly.


Anyone - What is the difference between the Seiko SUN019 and the Seiko SUN019P1 other than price?

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