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April 09, 2014



This, on top of Windows XP losing support from Microsoft yesterday. Well, I heard that no one should go nuts changing passwords until we know more and until fixes are put in place and big sites/providers suggest changing your passwords.


Just use one very long and complicated password containing numbers and spaces for every site. Extremely unlikely to be cracked and (in time) easy to remember.


I heard that computer experts are using this as an example of why you should use a different password for every site you visit (that requires a password). That if you use the same password and they crack it----they literally have access to everything you're doing.


It seems unfeasible to be able to remember tens or even hundreds of passwords. I say we should all move on to biometrics (like a fingerprint scanner). Get a cheap USB dongle and use that for everything.


I agree with that U. The password maze is ridiculous. I end up forgetting the passwords I used----and needing to answer questions about my pet's name, first street I lived on, etc. and they send me an e-mail to reset the password (for sites I don't need to use often). Ridiculous. And those online programs to store your passwords for all of your sites----enormous red flag to me.

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