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February 07, 2015



I have internet radios and of course, my computer---but I still love pulling out one of my SW radios, relaxing on the porch and seeing what signals I can get at night. I'm still a radio junkie---and a shortwave hobbyist, as well as an AM DXer. When the mood strikes, there's not substitute for it.


I still miss WRNO and RFPI. Now I mostly just tune around and listen to utility stations and the occasional ham rag chew session.
Years ago there was this group of folks in 3898 I used to tune into almost nightly. Why? They were absolutely hilarious. There for a while they'd have a yearly "Weenie Net" where s.w.l.s could call a phoneline and get put on the air.


We saw it coming and here it is; Radio Shack it shutting down quite a few of their stores and the fine folks over at The SWLing Post got their hands on the (22 page long) list, and published it.


We saw it coming and here it is; Radio Shack it shutting down quite a few of their stores and the fine folks over at The SWLing Post got their hands on the (22 page long) list, and published it.


We saw it coming and here it is; Radio Shack it shutting down quite a few of their stores and the fine folks over at The SWLing Post got their hands on the (22 page long) list, and published it.


We saw it coming and here it is; Radio Shack it shutting down quite a few of their stores and the fine folks over at The SWLing Post got their hands on the (22 page long) list, and published it.

Ok let's try this again. It doesn't seem to want to post tonight for some reason.


Ok..I'll try one more time. This thing doesn't like me tonight for some reason....

We saw it coming and here it is; Radio Shack it shutting down quite a few of their stores and the fine folks over at The SWLing Post got their hands on the (22 page long) list, and published it.


It likes you, just in a delayed way.

Radio Shack was only allowed to close 200 stores last year due to a clause with a lender; their fiscal year started February 1st, which means another 200 stores closed last Sunday; many of these stores were only notified the same day, so there would have been no warning to their customers - you may want to check in on your local stores to see if they are still there. Some locations have essentially become skeleton-staffed (literally one person working the store) clearance centers, so there may be big deals if your store is still there. Then on Thursday RS declared bankruptcy, though many of the remaining stores, roughly 1,400, are going to remain open to become something else, mostly Sprint locations.


Star: The one closest to me is apparently staying open. We have (had) a lot of them in my area----a good half dozen or more within 15 minutes driving from my house. But finally, the curtain is coming down. Luckily, the closest one is staying open for now. I was in one nearer to where I work last week----they were basically giving batteries away and I bought a few packs. While I was standing in the store, the one guy still working there made a phone call---and new discounts dropped the merchandise to ridiculous prices. I bought a couple Radio Shack T-shirts for about a dollar fifty each. I got a few odds and ends----swiss army style knife, GPS window mount, digital watch for my son----all for a few dollars each. I found a really cool laser shooting game for him----half off----and he was playing with it at his friends house yesterday. The one thing I didn't buy that was probably the best deal: Brand new Sherwood stereo receivers, old school separate component----powerful wattage---marked down to fifty dollars. I already have 3 receivers, so I just didn't need one. For the price, I might have considered buying and storing, but I have so many electronics, my house is running out of space!


Wow..sorry about the bombardment.

Keith Beesley

They've closed several in my area in the last few months of 2014. Looks like a few more are on the chopping block.


From what I understand, those left will become Sprint stores. Just what we need, yet another cell phone place.

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