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March 13, 2015



What about buying watches as gifts? I've been doing that.


I"m not even allowed to buy gifts. Nor can I sell because I've learned that selling is really an insidious justification for buying more.


How about giving away one of your watches to your Herculodge readers? Each interested reader submits an essay stating why they deserve the watch.

On second thought, this sounds too much like your college English class, except there you give grades, not watches. Scratch the idea.


Regarding Angelo's idea of buying watches as gifts, I gave each of my two nephews a G-Shock WD120CM-5 Woodland Camo watch for Christmas, and they were both thrilled. I usually just give them money to do with as they please, but the watch giving plan turned out to be a home run. Of course I knew that they both liked large watches, and G-Shocks specifically. Someone who doesn't like this type of watch would have probably thought, "WTF am I going to do with this hockey puck on my wrist?"


Write your watch biography (horography?).

But also, don't count your chickens before they've hatched. When was the last time you went a couple months, or even a month, without buying a watch? Be honest.


True, I have no credibility. So now I must earn it. I want to go through the process of not buying a watch for 6 month. Or I need to go through it.


We believe in you, Jeff (although might not put money on it).


BTW, thanks to your comments on chukkas I got myself a pair from Amazon. Timberlands, and 'tho at $90-odd IIRC about twice the price of the discount brand shoes I usually buy, it's a good deal. Probably a discontinued style or something. Anyway, they're very comfortable (with the memory foam insole I also bought). My feet thank you.


I've had to return some other brand of chukkas that I loved but they were too big in the ankle. Amazon Prime gave me free return shipping. I'm debating to take a gamble again on a guess if the shoe size fits or not.


Back to watches instead of shoes...

The Breitling B55 Connected watch can be configured and set by a smartphone app.


This is an interesting idea that could be useful in cheaper watches as well.

Keith Beesley

Work. Spend time with your family. Read books. Write. Listen to music. Watch movies. Exercise. You may have some new insights into watch collecting when you come back...if you come back.


"If you come back." Sometimes a hiatus from an addiction results in a sort of death. Often the death is welcome. Or one's addiction turns into a healthy hobby.


Go out. Commune with nature. Realise that we are all on a treadmill of consumerism that we are forced to walk on until we die in order to make the wealthy even wealthier and to keep the rest of us distracted from the inherent unfairness in our society. Maybe get some pizza.


Ulysses and Keith make excellent points. Another thing: My watch obsession was simply taking up too much hard drive space in my brain and I can't get a RAM upgrade, so I'm deleting some applications. Sorry for the trite analogy.


You don't need to upgrade, just reformat. Here, have some beer...

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