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May 18, 2015



Sort of like toilets that don't flush and dim light bulbs---they're improving things you know.

The Professor

Build a brand new vintage radio!



Bidding is brisk on that Heathkit radio. Were those any good, assuming they were assembled properly?


Built one in 1970. Good sensitivity and selectivity on AM, FM was sensitive but could overload if you lived near a 50kW flamethrower. Most transistors of the 60's had this problem on FM, before FETs became available for the front end. Replaced with a GE Superadio in the 80's

Dane Ericksen

The FCC has limits on How much radio frequency interference (RFI) an incidental radiation device such as a switching power supply can cause. But even then a compliant device can cause noise in an AM receiver if the signal is weak and the power supply is too close to the radio.


The idea that touch lamps are legal tells you how much the FCC cares about devices emitting r.f.i.
It's gotten so bad that a lot of AM stations are now using FM translators. Here we have a 5KW station with a very strong signal all over the city (even at night) that's now on FM. Seems to be the wave of the future.


Hello everyone!
This is Bob formerly from Sangean America. I was forced out of the company because of abuse, so now I can speak the truth. The truth is I was forced to give the response I did, so dont believe everything I said while working with the company. HOWEVER, I have to say in this case, what I said is pretty accurate.

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