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September 24, 2015



Yes, I would agree, Jeff - the CL-100 is an excellent bedside radio. I've used one with a small radio stand to allow for better viewing at night. Nice warm tone, small size, NOAA when you need it, and a radio light that can be used briefly as a night light. I also found on Amazon the identical radio, but rebranded and all in white - for the wife.

When our Sangean Sonidos die, I'll probably go back to the CL-100. But I'd still like to try out the Sangean PR-D4W. That may also make a good bedside radio.


I'll have to check out the PR-D4W, Tim. Thanks.

Ken K. in NJ

I did a review of the CL-100 on your site a couple of years ago. In short, I didn't like it.

Since then I've mellowed up on it a little. I still don't see it as useful as a bedside radio, but I've had in the main floor bathroom for about a year now, and it serves a nice purpose. The sound is good sound, and I like the one button preset selection.

Here's my review on your site from a while back:



It has a few annoyances, but I like its compact size and stable footprint. A Sangean PR-D4 or PR-D15 would tip over. My Sangean WR-2 was very stable but also very bulky.


I own the Sangean DAR-101 http://www.amazon.com/Sangean-DAR-101-Desk-Recorder-Black/dp/B003XU76QK - a very similar looking device that plays mp3s from SD cards or USB flash drives. It also records mp3s from an aux. input. It can also record from its built-in stereo microphone which has amazing sound quality.


It looks good, Brandon. Honestly, it's difficult to read the CL-100's controls at night. I'm thinking of the Sangean PR-D4. It takes 4 D batteries and has an AC adapter. Also it has a DSP tuner. It looks promising.

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