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October 04, 2015



The PR-D4W seems like a nice upgrade of my slightly smaller PR-D7. The PR-D4W has a DSP tuner with multiple bandwidths, weather alert, and twice as many presets as the PR-D7. It seems the sound quality of the PR-D4W may be similar to that of the PR-D7. I far prefer my PR-D7 over my PR-D5 for listening to talk radio, because it's less muffled and doesn't have bloated bass.


How does it sound through headphones? The specs list 3mW output, which seems pretty low, but if the amplifier is low noise you can turn up the volume a bit.


Using my cheap JBud 1 earbuds (under 7 dollars), the sound seems fine, just as good as on my Sangean WR-2.


But there's a charging cradle there in the background; a cellphone/tablet with the free TuneIn app receives KPCC's online stream in studio feed-quality without all the wire trickery..


One feature they dropped from the CC Radio is the ability to charge batteries in the unit, so I'm still using my CC Radio Plus. The PR D7 has that as well. Does this, I couldn't see in the descriptions online?


You can recharge the batteries in the PR-D7 but I am using non-rechargeables.


Let me take that back. They DON'T take recharges. There is no switch for that. I read an Amazon review incorrectly. Sorry.



Where you said PR-D7 I think you meant PR-D4W.

The PR-D7 does indeed charge batteries internally, but charging batteries in series is not the best thing to do for their longevity. Batteries should be charged individually if possible.


Gary, sorry, I meant the PR-D4.


Thanks. Sounds like a good upgrade from the more portable PR-D9W, which was unfortunately crippled by introducing a signal-burying hiss into headphones. Otherwise a nice little unit, but It makes me worry about Sangean cutting corners on the under $100 models.


According to the Sangean website, this model has "AM auto tracking". I wonder what that is? Some sort of antenna tuning?


I haven't figured out the "AM auto tracking" though I'm happy with the AM reception.


The PR-D4W is the long-overdue replacement for the Sonido radio. My wife and I have used the Sonido as our bedside radios for years and have been very happy with it. The two models are more or less identical, except that the Sonido had the old TV band. I'm really looking forward to the PR-D4W.


Jeff, does the PR-D4W really have multiple bandwidths on both AM *and* FM? Thanks!


Yes, two bandwidths for AM and FM, so you get 10 preset each for a total of 20 AM/FM presets. The radio is easily worth the 65-69 dollar price tag.

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