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October 28, 2015



Jeff....What you're hearing is not a conventional plane. It's a drone that's spying on you!


On behalf of any kids that may see this, thanks. It's important stuff, even though many may not know it yet.

I'm older than you, and learned little in high school. I was always an avid reader though, and I did ace Chemistry senior year (flunked in Jr. year), so I knew I could do well if I had some motivation.

I went to work after high school, and back then you could find factory work that paid well enough to live decently. After a number of years, inspired by the engineers I met at work, I eventually got rehabbed at community college, and by age 30 having saved enough money to live on part time work, finished my B.S.M.E. full time at an excellent eastern liberal arts college.

It's tragic that kids don't read, and the neglect of English and liberal arts in general is going to come back and bite us.

Tom Welch

Liberal Arts is a dead major today. I had a very similar experience to Steve, in that I didn't get a degree until well into my 30s. BTW Jeff, I graduated from your fair college and probably know a dozen people who went to El Camino, later earned 4 year degrees and did well in life. But I admit, the current generation seems to be going nowhere b/c these students face much greater COMPETITION than I did when I entered the job market

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