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June 30, 2016



Can you install iTunes on your Android phone and use it to listen to your podcasts?


I don't know, Gary, but I'll look into it. I really hate not having my podcasts.


This link says I can do it, but I miss the simplicity of my current system: http://www.androidcentral.com/how-get-your-itunes-music-your-android#slide2


I can't help very much here because I'm not that familiar with the Apple universe. Sooner or later it was inevitable that Apple was going to drop support of the iPod Classic. That is ancient technology compared to what they are supporting now. The simplest solution is to pick up an older iPod Touch on eBay and you'll be supported with the latest iOS levels and iTunes for at least a few more years.

I used to work for Tim Cook, by the way, in the 90s. He was my boss and I was in his office several times a week. Very nice guy, but he is no Steve Jobs. In fact, just about nobody is like Steve Jobs. Apple will continue on momentum during Tim's reign, but it will begin to stumble like all technology companies do. Just like Texas Instruments, IBM, HP, and pretty soon Microsoft. Apple will certainly decline as will Google in the decades to come. Mark my words.


I may get an Amazon Tap, which can download podcasts and costs only 129 dollars. I heard Leo Laporte, the Tech Guy on 640 KFI, say Apple is in a slump. Sounds like they may never get out of it. Thanks for the words.

Ken K. in NJ

I never went with I tunes or the I pod. I still have my 3 Sony mp3 players (including the 64gb model they unveiled a couple of years ago). I've always loved the simplicity of 'drag and drop".

One mp3 player is devoted solely to podcasts. Once a month I load it up with whatever I've downloaded during the month, and that is my podcast listening for the new month.

The 64 gb one is for what I call my "Master List" of music, about 18,000 songs from various sources including my own CDs and vinyl.


I hate iTunes' unnecessary complexity, seems very anti-Steve Jobs. I wonder if it would be easy to download podcasts on the Amazon Echo or Amazon Tap.


Podcasts are the epitome of simplicity on Apple's latest iPhones and iPods. There's an app that come preloaded where you indicate which podcasts you're interested in and they download automatically for as long as you can stand it. I'm not an Apple fanboy by any means, but in this area they really do excell.


The good news is that iTunes is syncing with my classic iPod. A lot of people had the problem and then the problem went away. Strange.

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