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July 30, 2016



What's the battery life? I heard it was rather heavy on batteries.

Mark Roberts

Can it recharge NiMH batteries?

I never use earbuds - always headphones at least! Maybe someday some smart person will put Bluetooth in one of these radios to more easily interace with lots of different systems.

In any event, I just ordered a DT-160 today. It will be interesting to see how it compares to my Tecsuns, CC Pocket, and CC Skywave. They each seems to have their strengths and weakenesses, Sometimes the differences are quite subtle.


No recharge batteries and is not mentioned in manual. I've read 100 hours of battery life, but we shall see.

Mark, I'd like to know what you think of it.

Mark Roberts

First impressions were so-so regarding sensitivity on FM, though good on AM. But today I did a head-to-head comparison at high noon (1 pm) on both AM and FM with my CC Pocket (v2) and on FM only with my Degen DE1123. On FM, all three were very close in sensitivity, judged by the number of stations received - 48 for the Sangean, 46 for the CC Pocket. (Degen: 50, but those added four were very weak.) The DT-160 and the CC Pocket were identical in number of stations received and the quality of signal received; the Degen was just slightly better. On AM, the Sangean and the CC Pocket were exact equals. I don't know what the AM bandwidth settings are on the Sangean; the narrowband position seems mushy. The CC Pocket does a better job here. The dual FM bandwidths is a nice feature of the Sangean, though, practically speaking, I don't know how important it is. Still, it made a very weak signal from Napa's KVYN more listenable, though still weak and in mono. It won't work miracles but it might help in DX chasing, if that's even possible on the currently overcrowded FM band.

Negatives: Only five presets per band. This is what, 2016, and a car radio from 1966 could do better in this regard? The long press to turn the radio on and off takes a little getting used to. Earbuds - whatever. I wish the automatic 90-minute sleep timer could be disabled permanently. Lock switch on the back isn't where you'd expect to find it. No speaker.

Positives: Ergonomics generally very good. Dual bandwidths on AM and FM a desirable thing to have. Nice big display. AM audio recovery good; also free from digital noises. FM sensitivity good; FM selectivity exceptional when the narrow bandwidth is used.

I'd recommend it.

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