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July 09, 2020


carl banke

Hello Jeff,

I see your (Stuff) on facebook, I am one of those that reads and doesn't post. Though I love your un-abashed entertainment.

You have much to be proud of with your family. The Daughters are Living Dolls.

Cal Stamenov and Brian Donaldson have both said Hello to you.

I have Great and Fond memories of you Jeff.


Carl Banke

Jim Tedford

It's because most "disciplined" people are pains in the butt - they're judgmental, have no sense of humor, and spend all of their time obsessing about being disciplined.

Most everyone you know or come across (especially those who care about you) don't care how much you weigh or what you physically look like.

Like the poster above, I've loved your blog forever. Especially Radio Lovers Can't Be Cured, and your tales of being a collage instructor. Ease up on yourself and focus on important things.


Those are fair points, well taken.

Jim Tedford

I just noticed I said you were a "collage instructor." Sorry. You're not an art teacher. I meant "college instructor."

I think teaching a basic skill like writing a coherent sentence is probably one of the hardest jobs there is. In our country, it's done by underpaid, under appreciated individuals like you. You're doing God's work. (Not that it helps anything.)


Thanks for the kind words. Best, Jeff


Loved the story...you have a unique way of stating your perspective. Due to a health situation, and subsequent workout plan/diet, I shed 70 lbs. I look back when I was at my high and I am too, disgusted I let my once healthy body decline to that miserable state. But 12 hour days running a business, on the road 2-3 night a week took its toll.

Note: it was good to see a story and review from you again. I always liked radios and watches, and your blog was very informational. A dozen radios and approx 8 watches later...well, you know!


Thanks for the kind words. It's sad that Amazon Echo products replaced my radios (except for the Sangean I use in the garage for my kettlebell workouts). Great to hear you lost 70 pounds.


Yes...technology has changed radio habits, but I'm still an am buff and love my radios. I have had a radio beside me since I was a little kid. I do have a Bose bluetooth device for when we entertain outside and want music.

Watches are another story of change. I started in with an iwatch for tracking fitness goals, and that has helped me stay aware and disciplined. Consequentially, my standard watches don't see enough daylight!

Randall Nielsen

I miss the radio blog. Radio is not dead yet! By the way, I think it's time you took the plunge and went for a Grand Seiko!

Bill Bush

Parenthood sympathy and congratulations simultaneously. I miss the radios and other non-watch postings, and now that I'm retired from teaching high school English, I do still enjoy hearing what the still-working are doing in class. Teaching matters. Post occasionally, if not regularly.

M. Rosen

Jeff, Your daughters & wife will age & will not want a morbid obese husband/father. Lose weight now & get healthy. It's difficult to lose wight as we mature. Diabetes, arthritis & related problems will slowly arise if you give in to your daughter's wishes. Your family doctor, heart doctor & pharmacy will gladly take your money.

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