The Objective: To maintain lean muscle mass without going to a gym or buying expensive cardio and bodybuilding equipment.
The Method: Training at home for six days a week for one hour.
Necessary Materials: A thick yoga mat (usually $40), a nonslip towel, dumbbells which, depending on strength, will be 20-40 pounds; a calf block or a stair or ledge for same purpose (my fireplace has a nice ledge for calf stretches). If you are ambitious and want a good pec stretch, use chairs (I use plastic outdoor chairs) for pushups. Option: Yoga ball for wall squats and dumbbell lateral raises.
Workout A: Monday and Wednesday
Part I: Chest and Biceps with some yoga stretches (approx. 25 minutes)
1. One-armed pushups alternated with single-led quad stretch, 2 sets.
2. Explosion pushups alternated with dumbbell curls, 2 sets.
3. Chair pushups (outdoor plastic chairs) or Wide pushups with alternating dumbell curls, 2 sets.
4. Narrow or "Diamond" pushups or dive-bomber pushups alternated with single-arm concentration curls, followed by "burn-out" curls in which you use two hands to curl ONE dumbbell, 1 or 2 sets.
5. Reverse grip dumbbell curls alternated with single-arm dumbbell French presses and standing bow or triangle pose.
Part II: Quads (approx. 20 minutes)
1. Floor-runners, 20-60
2. Lunge, 20-30
3. Shuttle, 40-50
4. Standing Bow or prone single-leg quad stretch
5. Explosion Squats ,10-20
6. Calf Raises, single followed by double, 15-50
7. Explosion Squats, 10-20
8. Lunge or Shuttle or Exercise Ball Wall Squats, 20-50
9. Calf Raises, single followed by double, 15-50
10. Shuttle, 20-40
11. One leg airplane
Part III: Yoga Warrior Poses and Cool-Down (approx. 20 minutes)
1. Warrior 1
2. Warrior 2
3. Chair Pose
4. Single-arm bridge balance with leg extended followed by leg extended pushups
5. Side one-arm table or mermaid
6. Warrior 2 variation
7. Warrior 1 variation
8. Chair Pose
9. Single-arm bridge balance with leg extended followed by leg extended pushups
10. Floor-runners
11. Pigeon
12. Cobbler
13. Various hamstring stretches
14. Corpse
Workout B: Tuesday and Friday
Part 1: Warrior Pose Warm-up (approx 10 minutes)
1. Warrior 1
2. Warrior 2
3. Airplane
4. Lunge 20
5. Single-Arm Table
6. Warrior 2 going back and forth from one leg to another
7. Seated Leg Raise Hold with blocks or Perfect Pushup discs.
Part II: Shoulders, Stretches, Calves (approx 20 minutes)
1. Side lateral raises alternated with calf stretches, 2 sets, 15-30 reps.
2. Dumbbell upright rows alternated with calf stretches, 2 sets, 15-30
3. Dumbbell presses alternated with standing bow pose, 2 sets.
4. Posterior Dumbell Raises alternated with triangle or standing leg stretch pose, 2 sets.
5. Dumbbell Rows, burnout set
6. Yoga Ball Three-Quarter Lateral Raises with 10 lb. dumbbells, dozens of reps.
7. Standing 10 lb. dumbbell butterflies like a swimming motion until burned out.
Part III: Core Pilates Abdominals (approx. 20 minutes)
1. Reach crunches
2. Bicycles
3. Half situp crunches
4. Cobbler
5. Back Table
6. Double-leg corkscrew
7. Single-leg corkscrew
8. Propellers
9. Jack-knife teaser, partial and full
10. Seal roll, open leg roll
11. Single-leg circles on the side
12. Mermaids
13. Back Bridge
14. Back Bridge with Single Leg Raise
Part IV: Yoga Warrior Poses and Cool-down (approx. 20 minutes)
1. Warrior 2
2. Floor-runners or dive-bombers
3. Warrior 1
4. Warrior overhang stretch
5. Chair Pose
6. Pigeon
7. Double-leg quad stretch (similar to camel pose)
8. Hamstring stretches, various
9. Corpse
Workout C: Wednesday and Saturday
Part I: Warrior Poses (see above, approx. 10 minutes)
Part II: Quads (see above, approx. 20 minutes) Make sure to add 2 or 3 sets of Exercise Ball Wall Squats.
Part III Warrior Poses revisted (see above, approx. 10 minutes)
Part IV: Core Abdominal Pilates, Back Bridges, and cool-down, see above, approx. 20 minutes)
DVD consulted: Bryan Kest Power Yoga
Books consulted: Men's Health Best Weight-Free Workout, Power Yoga: Connect to the Core with Astanga Yoga, The Pilates Body, Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey
Diet Notes:
No surprises here. Avoid junk food. Avoid processed food. Avoid fatty meats. Avoid fried foods. Avoid snack food, like chips. Avoid alcohol. Heap on the steamed broccoli and carrots to fill your gut. Eat about 130-150 grams of protein a day and to reach that goal rely on whey protein isolate powder, which you can put on cereal, mix with nonfat plain yogurt, or mix with nonfat milk. Eat about 6 small meals a day. Eat about 150-200 calories a day of something that sates your indulgent side, like a dollop of coffee ice cream or dark chocolate with almonds. Over all, try to keep your calories around 2,500 a day.
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