3-14 Look at students’ thesis statements. Look at 5 types of thesis statements. Look at logical fallacies. See Harari’s video “Why Fascism Is So Tempting.” Go over thesis statements.
3-19 Peer Edit for Essay #2
Essay #2 Due 3-26-19
Minimum of 2 sources for your MLA Works Cited page.
Essay Option for Essay #2
Based on the crisis of growing student debt as evidenced in Hasan Minhaj's Patriot Act episode, develop an argumentative thesis that addresses the question: Should we forgive student loans? Be sure to have a counterargument section. You might consult the following:
Student Loans Video by Hasan Minhaj:
"Americans Are Drowning in Student Loan Debt"
"Eliminating All Student Debt Isn't Progressive"
"Forgiving All Student Loan Debt Would be an Awful, Regressive Idea"