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No offense to Frankl, but I think that--according to your interpretation of him, at least--his understanding is lacking in nuance, or at least that there are more factors at work than simply heroically freeing oneself from the inertia of one's "lower" nature. I prefer Jung's advice: "the way out is through." Through our neuroses, our personal self - not as an ongoing self-indulgence, but as a deep and full acceptance and embodiment of who we are.

On one hand, I don't want to lessen the reality of depression. But I feel that a lot of what is called depression is temperamental, and that we tend to pathologize the melancholic and sensitive mentalities, especially in men. Of course this is changing with younger generations, at least in the counter-culture. If you were 20 years younger you'd be considered "emo."

Speaking as a therapist-in-training and a writer, I think your instincts to "self-therapize" through your writing are spot on. I find that I am able to enact change, even transcendence, in myself through a writing process. This is where art--in whatever medium--is a form of modern shamanism; a bridging of worlds and a (potential for) spiritual healing and renewal.

On a different note, I just watched an early episode from season 8 of Seinfeld - when it started to go down hill, in my opinion, probably because Larry David wasn't involved anymore. Anyhow, Jerry was wearing a Breitling Navitimer.

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