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I hope it doesn't sound schadenfreudian to say that I'm enjoying these chapters.

I couldn't help but think, as I read about your Frankl vs. Dangerfield circles, that we are both, although to what degree differs. Perhaps the key is not to become Frankl over Dangerfield, but to balance the two. I mean, I like the fact that you're morose and melancholic - it gives you character, makes you "real" in the sense of the Velveteen Rabbit, but at the same time we can certainly be happier with who we are.

I personally feel of late that the key, or at least a major--even central--component is what Hillman calls the daimon or acorn, an inner sense of destiny and actualization that is uniquely our own. To the degree to which we embrace and engage the "daimonic," is the degree to which the Frankl circle is alive within us, and the degree to which our life feels meaningful and thus we feel alive, happy, fulfilled.

I'd frame Hillman's daimon/acorn within Maslow's hierarchy of needs, as the need for self-actualization - engagement with one's unique potentials. The other needs are important, too, but when they're basically fulfilled, the self-actualization need aches with a vengeance. A result of middle class ennui, I suppose.

A technical question: would you prefer responses here or on Herculodge?


I'm with you on the balance of the two circles. Comments here are fine since is the quest for meaning blob.


Nice little slip there: "the quest for meaning blob." Ha ha.

Feel free to tell me if I become too overbearing or wordy (self-indulgent). I'm probably just writing the words I need to hear, but don't want to drown out your signal with my noise.

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