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Milo M

That's a tough situation, and one I've been on the receiving end of (nuisance neighbor and their kid constantly on my porch). I think the best, and most manly, option would be to drop by with a bottle of wine or similar and offer an honest apology, admitting your cluelessness. If you fear that moment has passed and meeting them personally may not go well, it may work to leave it a gift with a handwritten note of apology. If they are reasonable people, I imagine it would go a long way toward mending your neighborly relationship.


Milo, that's good advice. I'll leave a note and a bottle of wine with their nanny. And I'll be more pro-active from now on about keeping my daughters off people's property.


Really - here is the angle you take at this point. Now you set your speakers up so they direct at their house. Then put on and blair the most threatening music something like Dead Kennedys Circle Jerks Black Flag. Make sure the you invite over the most rude people you know and then have a party. Make sure they bring the monster trucks, harleys etc. Also having them carrying weapons into your else would also help with the asthetics. Your neghbors will the be nice as they uickly realize you are the one in control of your friends.this trick works everytime and for every niegbor that moves in. Its also applies to commercial properties. Use this system last week at my new commerical property.


Mike, since you already love The Dead Kennedys, The Circle Jerks and rowdy parties, you would be very amenable to such a plan.

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