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No offense, but that sounds like something written by a rightwingnut, or Rush Limbaugh. Giving or receiving charity is bad? That's warped.


I wouldn't want a RW nut to misuse my piece as it's not my intention to support a RW POV. Also, I would not want ALL charity to be dismissed as being born of bad intentions. My focus is on the humiliation of being pitied.


OK, I see your point, but I would point out that pity and empathy and compassion are not synonymous. Someone might misinterpret one for the other, but that's them, and a person thinking that pity is humiliating does not diminish the importance of empathy and compassion in this life.


i agree with you. In the case of the tuna fish fiasco, the boy feels stigmatized and scorned. His classmates are too grossed-out by the rancid fish to contemplate the virtues of empathy, or at least most of them are.

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