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I only discovered this site recently and am not sure how it differentiates from Herculodge, as you seem to post personal stuff there.

Anyhow, I don't mind slightly moldy food - I just scrape it off. Like today I pulled out some sprouted corn tortillas, which had a few moldy spots. I scraped them off and, voila, good as new.


The original intention was for Pants to my stab at comedy, but I can't be funny when I try. I tend to be funny when I look back at myself from a distance. In any event very few hits came to this blog, so I became disheartened and put more personal stuff back on Herculodge, which gets robust activity. Kind of sad.

My wife won't tolerate a speck of mold. I'm more like you in this regard.


I'm the same as you with regards to humor. I seem to be good at spontaneous comments, in the classroom or in social gatherings, but I hate telling jokes.

You're really good at self-deprecation - everyone can relate with it, except for ego-maniacs.


Yes, I'm funnier in class working on the spot that I am staying home crafting jokes. Also I speak with greater brilliance than I write. A former student came over so I could help him with his Fullbright scholarship and he taped my exposition for him. My writing is good; my speaking is a lot better though.


Speaking of comedy, did you ever see the Louis CK Beacon show? Its now on Youtube for free:


I had missed this one - its as good as all the rest, with material I hadn't seen before. I think it was prior to the "Oh My God" special on HBO but still very recent. He's just brilliant.


I"m 99 percent sure I saw it. Two years ago when I discovered CK for myself I got everything. I had seen him on TV for a decade, just in glimpses, and was never intrigued. My instincts were off.


I think its more recent that. If I remember correctly, it came out about a year ago and was only available on his website. Could be wrong, though.


Yeah, I paid five dollars for that one. I loved the first two thirds. The last third seemed like filler to me.

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